Is an IOL in Your Future?

It has been estimated that more than 3,000 cataract surgeries are performed each year. Cataracts don’t necessarily develop on the natural lens of the eye; rather, this condition represents a change in the natural lens caused by cellular accumulation. Therefore, the only way to remove cataracts is to remove the natural lens that has become clouded over.
Not so long ago, cataract surgery only removed cloudiness. Removing the eye’s natural lens offered this advantage, but this coincided with the consequence of having to wear thick eyeglasses to see relatively well. Today, we benefit from the numerous advances that have occurred over the years. Patients who want to restore clear vision can accomplish this with the use of an appropriate IOL, or intraocular lens.
Why Multifocal IOLs Stand Out
Having any type of vision-correcting intraocular lens in place after cataract surgery is advantageous because there is no maintenance necessary, as there is with contact lenses. Multifocal IOLs represent sophisticated technology through which vision at various distances can be sufficiently restored. The implantation of a lens that focuses “near” and at a distance may take a bit of getting used to because the diffractive and refractive optics offer the brain a lot of visual information at once. Very quickly, though, the brain discerns which information is correct to focus the eyes for reading, driving, and other tasks.
When Combination Makes Sense
Cataracts may be a common condition, but an experienced ophthalmologist also recognizes that every set of eyes is unique. Cataract removal differs from one case to another; it’s not as cookie-cutter as taking out a clouded lens and inserting an artificial lens. Our objective is to restore the best vision possible. To do this, we may suggest a combination of intraocular lenses.
In some circumstances, the most considerable gain may be achieved with the use of a monofocal IOL in one eye and a multifocal IOL in the other. The monofocal lens is prescribed at a single distance (usually distance vision) to provide greater clarity for driving and seeing objects farther away. The multifocal supports near vision. In combination, the two may be more supportive of everyday activities such as working on the computer and driving.
Vitreo Retinal Surgery is dedicated to patient-centered care that promotes long-term wellness. For more information on our services, call (855) 515-2020.