RCM COVID-19 Updates
As the COVID-19 situation evolves, RCM updates its patient care procedures, with guidance from the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH). What you need to know, at this time:
- Masks are required in all RCM clinics and surgical facilities.
- Reschedule your visit if you are symptomatic.
- Check-in as close as possible to your scheduled time, to minimize your time in proximity to others.
- First-time patients are encouraged to be accompanied by a family member.
- Returning patients that require special assistance may be accompanied by a caregiver. Please advise our receptionist.
- Drivers are asked to wait outside of clinic, and to be accessible by cell phone, when care is concluded.
- Additional special procedures are followed by all RCM staff to ensure the care and wellbeing of all RCM patients and staff.